Weather Center

Omaha, NE
6:10 am8:30 pm CDT
Feels like: 55°F
Wind: 7mph NW
Humidity: 68%
Pressure: 29.75"Hg
UV index: 0
4 am5 am6 am7 am8 am
75°F / 48°F
81°F / 54°F
79°F / 55°F
75°F / 54°F
81°F / 55°F
Weather forecast for today
On Thursday, in Omaha, the sky will be partially clouded.
The maximum expected temperature is a pleasant 68°F, while the minimum temperature will be a chilly 48.2°F.
The maximum temperature is anticipated to correspond with the average 71.1°F high in May.
Sunrise will be at 6:10 am and sunset at 8:30 pm; the daylight will last for 14h and 19min.

Weather forecast for tomorrow
On Friday, May 10, moderately clouded weather is expected as well.
Temperature measurements will peak at a moderately hot 75.2°F, with a considerable drop to a low of a frosty 48.2°F.
The expected high temperature is set to be a few degrees higher than the regular peak of 71.1°F in May.
Sunrise will be at 6:09 am and sunset at 8:31 pm; tomorrow's daylight will last for 14h and 22min.

Long term weather forecast
The weather will be unstable for the next ten days, and a mix of cloudy, stormy, sunny and rainy weather is expected.
Rain is anticipated on Monday through next Thursday and Saturday. With light precipitation of 0.16", most rainfall is expected on Wednesday.
Temperature differences will be substantial in the next ten days. The highest temperature will range between 68°F and 80.6°F, while the lowest temperature will be between 48.2°F and 55.4°F.
Saturday and Tuesday, with the highest temperature of 80.6°F, will be the warmest days in Omaha; today is the coldest day, with a maximum temperature of 68°F.